Map #59 – Dwarven Checkpoint

Even in the remote tunnels of their mines, the Oakheart clan meticulously builds a dense network outposts and checkpoints. Each hosts a small group of guards keeping track of everyone who passes by and making sure no-one is allowed through without proper documentation. While some consider this kind of arrangement wasteful, Oakheart’s ore losses are record low.

The ground took a bit of thinking, but in the end, I’m quite happy with how this turned out. Although my lettering skills still need some more practice.

There is also  a tip-jar at ko-fi. Check it out! All contributions will be greatly appreciated !

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Map #58 – Well of Rebirth

“You know what to do. I hope you come back. But if you don’t… Your sacrifice will be noted.”

Deep in the Eorgand forest is a small chapel with a shallow pool. Prospective initiates must venture in the forest and find the pool to receive blessings of the old gods. Some find their way back to the village but are never able to find the temple afterwards or even recall much of what happened. However, they often find their live successful in the most peculiar ways.

No alternative versions this time, I’m afraid. I’ve also started a tip-jar at ko-fi. Check it out! All tips will be greatly appreciated

! Buy Me a Coffee at

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.