Map #53 – Silverfish Hideout

Another attempt with simple colors. In the end, it turned out quite ok.

The map is the birthplace of the Silverfish Syndicate. It’s a small dungeon next to a stream that cuts through a ridge. This was the very first hideout of a band of thieves who then expanded their operations over the years. Nowadays, the hideout doesn’t see much use, but whispers in the streets claim there’s a valuable shipment coming through very soon.

There’s also a black and white version.

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #52 – Abandoned Crypt

This one took a really long time to finish. It is a small crypt that has a few sarcophagi and a number of smaller urns and offerings scattered along the walls. It could be housing the deceased of a holy order or just be a generic resting place for local nobles and other well to do. Some of the rooms were still under construction when the crypt was abandoned. You’ll note that one of the small rooms is sealed off. Feel free to put whatever undead monster there. However, the seal has started weakening and necromantic powers should be animating some nasty surprises – zombies/skeletons, spirits or even just maddened beasts.

You can put this underneath the chapel I posted earlier.

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.

#47 – Cloud Prince’s Retreat

This floating palace (or castle) was once inhabited by a powerful air spirit. However, it has been abandoned for a long time and fallen into disrepair. It has a few ‘rooms’, a couple of cells and a small garden.

Now, it could host plane hopping mages or just air elementals. This could make an interesting ‘dungeon’ to scout before players have managed to get their hands on easy means of flight.

I’ve also experimented with a few vortex backgrounds.

Here’s a version without the background.

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.


Map #45 – Tower ruins

Another attempt at coloring. I’m still not sure if I know what I’m doing, but some parts were fine, and some parts I’m not maximally happy with.

The map itself is a ruined watch tower. It’s been abandoned for a long time and partially overtaken by water, but recently, it has found new inhabitants.

Here’s a version without the grid and here’s one without any color.

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #43 – (Yet another) Hideout

This map took quite a while to get ready. I really haven’t done any coloring before and I’m not completely satisfied with how it looks. The next maps will probably be traditional ink-only, but I’ll likely experiment with the colors again.

The map itself is a hideout for any of the usual suspects (bandits, orcs, warlocks, rebels, etc.

In case you don’t like the coloring, here’s a black and white version.

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #42 – Sewer hideout

Phew! This map took a long time to finish, mostly due to combination of level of detail and me being very busy. It’s a small hideout in the sewers. Possible inhabitants could be thieves or assassin’s but also rebels fighting against a tyrant (or a conspiracy looking to overthrow the legitimate(?) ruler!).

I hope you like it!

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #41 – Old Chapel

I wanted to draw a chapel leading to the crypt in the ‘Consortium Hideout‘ -map. So here it is. The chapel is small, so there is only a small storage room and a room for the priest. Feel free to have it still be in use or already abandoned

There’s also a version without the background.

My maps are supported by generous patrons. These versions are free, but if you want to tip me, check out my patreon page.