If you remember, there was an innocuous cabin in Skyrim that actually had a hidden dungeon full of bandits underneath. Well, this is… let’s say inspired… by that.
Map #11 – Family Crypt
Here’s a quick one. I had an idea for situation where a noble fakes their own death. For this map, the high res versions are available for all at patreon. Check them out! If you need the customary no grid -version, you can also find that there.
Map #10 – Goblin Caves
This is not a very innovative map (or adventure hook), but classics are classics for a good reason, right? Right…? In any case, this a small cave for goblins (or other creatures/bandits) to launch their terrorizing attacks. The map should be mostly self-explanatory. There is a holding cell and a furnished room with a secret entrance (or exit if you prefer). As per usual, higher resolution and multiple versions are available to patrons.
Map – A (Small) cultist dungeon
Here’s another map. This one features a small dungeon that local cultists have used as a meeting place for their rituals. It has also two hidden entrances: one via a secret door (marked with an S) and another through a small underground pond. The main chamber opens to a cliff and sometimes sacrifices are made by forcing people to jump of the planks extending over the edge. The cave is often deserted unless a ritual night is at hand. Again, this one would also favor lower level play.
The likely location to find this dungeon would be nearby a small town or a village where most of the villagers take part in a murderous cult in exchange for protection and favors. They could worship either a genuinely powerful entity or a weaker spirit that has, for example, minor healing powers.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Map – Smuggler’s Den
I recently started making hand-drawn dungeon maps again and here is one for you to use. The map is about a semi-hidden cave that is being used by local smugglers or thieves to gain a clandestine entry into the city. Room 1 has a very small opening to the sea/river (or even a lake, whichever body of water you prefer) to spot both incoming shipments and to get an advance warning on possible hostiles. There den is not often deserted and you can usually find at least a couple of unsavory characters inside.
In DnD 3e/Pathfinder terms this location would best serve levels before 5, since it has limited space and tactical depth for higher level characters.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.