Map #42 – Sewer hideout

Phew! This map took a long time to finish, mostly due to combination of level of detail and me being very busy. It’s a small hideout in the sewers. Possible inhabitants could be thieves or assassin’s but also rebels fighting against a tyrant (or a conspiracy looking to overthrow the legitimate(?) ruler!).

I hope you like it!

These versions are free, but if you want to join my generous patrons and tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #39 – Consortium Hideout

A quick OSR-ish map. There is a small crypt, perhaps underneath a ruined temple that has two secret doors, one of which leads to a small underground compound of the Consortium. However, the other door leads to a small, trapped room with a fake door on the other side.

The compound itself has a small hidden harbour, just large enough to take a small boat out to meet a larger ship.

Here’s a version without the text and one without the grid.

My maps are supported by generous patrons. These versions are free, but if you want to tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #36 – Destroyed temple

Time for a quick OSR-ish map. The temple of N’Xroth was destroyed decades ago, but locals claim that evil spirits still linger. Perhaps the purge wasn’t as thorough as the Order of the Crimson Dawn would have hoped.

If you prefer, here is version without the grid.

As usual, this map is free (see below), but if you want to tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #35 – Castle Dread Dungeon I

Some time ago, I drew a castle/monastery that I called Castle Dread. That map had a couple of access points to lower levels and here is one suggestion for what those might contain. I have a couple of thoughts about the rooms, but feel free to substitute as you wish.

First, the main burial chamber has been sealed off. The wall can be determined to be new with an easy perception/etc. check (adjust to your system). Inside you might have either an empty grave or a reanimated corpse of a noble.

Then there are a couple of secret doors. This part of the dungeon contains a few “preparation” rooms, a watch point overlooking the sea and a couple of holding cells. There is also an elevator leading down (I hope to draw the second level later).

Here is a black and white version, if you prefer that.

As usual, this map is free (see below), but if you want to tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #34 – Underwater Shipwreck

A ship carrying valuable cargo was attacked or just sunk due to unfortunate weather. However, the (undead?!) crew managed to salvage most of the cargo to nearby caverns. The players might want to loot the wreck out of sheer greed or perhaps the ship was carrying a cargo that was imperative to whatever world-saving they’re doing.

For foes, you can use whatever aquatic creatures you want or as I initially, thought, let the ship have an undead crew that is still patrolling the area and guarding the cargo.

However, be careful not to disturb the kraken!

Here’s also a black and white version.

This map is free, but if you want to tip me, check out my patreon page.

Map #30 – Hall of arbitration

It has again been a while without a map, so here’s one to get this year started.

This is small hall for negotiation. A monastic order is famous for arbitration and mediation. The disagreeing parties bring offering that they leave at the altars before entering the hall. If the negotiations take a long time, there are a couple of rooms to rest. The monks of the monastery encourage small parties, so usually there are only a handful of people on each side.

To use this in your game, perhaps the players are hired to protect a merchant or a noble during their stay. There are a couple of tunnels from which assassins might enter to try to stop the negotiations. Or if you’re so inclined – or rather if your players are – they might be the ones using tunnels. Depending on your plans, this could be a simple job or a start of something far more sinister – for example, how come the assassins could dig their tunnels freely so close to the monastery?

Here’s a version without background.

This map is free to use according to cc-by-nc-sa, but if you want to tip me (and get first access and higher resolution), check out my patreon page.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Map #26 – Assassins’s hideout

Here’s another quick map that was drawn without much planning and without sketching first. This has also been out there for a while (on patreon).

While drawing this, I was thinking of the Dark brotherhood hideout from Skyrim and thus this map could very well work as a semi-hidden base of a group of assassins or other shady types. I also wanted to try a drawn grid to see how it works out, so unfortunately it is permanent.

The map is pretty linear and basically cuts trough a cliff to a river, sea or a large lake. There is a small chapel but besides that, the use of rooms is up to you. If you want to have a cult like flavour, the chapel could be devoted to a single deity or it could be a more relaxed place of many gods.

Of course, if you have other plans in mind, there isn’t anything specific in the map that would mark this as a home of a sinister organisation.

Also, I wanted to keep checking out how this kind of a drawn grid would look, so unfortunately, no ‘no-grid’ version this time.

If you feel like contributing to my mapmaking efforts I do have a patreon page. Check it out!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Map #25 – Ruined keep

Here’s a quick map that I just doodled together. It’s very similar to an earlier one, but I hope you like it nevertheless. It’s actually been available via patreon for a while, but it took some time to get this blog up to date.

This is again old ruins in the woods. This time, orcs or bandits have made a semi-permanent camp on a the ruins and the cellar and caves underneath. There is also a long tunnel leading outside surfacing a few hundred meters from the castle.

A good use for this one would be to have this be a ‘random encounter’ but then have an adventure hook in the dungeon ready to be followed. For example, the current occupants haven’t yet found the secret door behind the chapel in the dungeon. It could be that the original ward of the castle has locked themselves in guarding something – perhaps information or an important item. This type of encounter would suit a hexcrawl campaign quite well.

Also, the grid is permanent this time (I wanted to try how it would look).

If you feel like contributing to my mapmaking efforts (and getting a couple of perks!) I do have a patreon page. Check it out!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.